

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Getting down to last couple weeks in the MTC !!

Hey everyone. so alot has happened since i last emailed you. Saturday we went prostelying (dont know how to spell that word) and it was so much fun we go to go out 20 minutes away from the CCM. Hermana Pingree and i met this couple, and we started talking to them about the Book of Mormon and they loved hearing about it they said they would read and learn more. they were so friendly we asked them if they had any kids and she said yes. she said they were about 20 ft away at a resturant. we told her if we ran into them we would say hi. We ran into them lol. Then she came up behind us and said her son new english (hes 19) it was such a great oppurtunity because i got to explain to hi the importance of the Book of Mormon and how Jesus Christ visited the Americas and he said that he would read the book of mormo with his family. it was such a great experience and such a blessing. We also ran into about 4 people that came up to us and asked if we could pray for them. i really hope they felt the spirit. it was so strong that day and i had such a great experience. 

so this week is te last week that we are in are district of nortes and its sooo sad. spending four weeks with 8 people and not leaving them is now super hard i cant imagine what the feild is going to be like. but on the bright side i get a latina campanion tomorrow so please pray for me and her. im gonna need the help haha. 

Today we went to the temple and it was so amazing! Even though we were tired from all the Latinos waking up and leaving at 3 to 5 in the morning but its all good. There were a bunch of young girls at the temple for just a visit and when they saw us they wanted to take pictures with all of us. it was so cute and it felt so good to have them look up to us as missionaries and Americans. 

then after the Temple we went on a tour of Colombia!!!! its was so amazing!!! we got to ride a tram to the top of a Mountain (i don't remember the name, something complicated) and it was sooo beautiful i wish i could explain it. you could distinctly see the line that separates the city and the mountains. and we went into this old catholic church and earned a little bit about its history. there was a statute of Jesus and apparently he has real hair and every year they cut it and its good luck to them. its a little strange but it was really neat. then after that we went into the main part of the city and it reminded me of Seattle and Hawaii at the same time excluding the water of course. but they stuff they sell there is so cool. all the stuff was hand made and just beautiful. Then i bought a lot of chocolate.. don't judge me  but the chocolate here is so good. id buy you guys some but i would eat it all before i got home and it would probably be gross by that time but that's okay haha. But its was so cool to be able to travel and it refreshed us for the next two and last two stressful weeks. 

I miss you guys a tona and love you all very much!
Stay strong and Dont forget Jesus Loves you :)
Hermana Stedman

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